Sunday, May 27, 2012

Like a beam of light, Romney, Russia and the future

So Mitt Romney (the GOP's uncrowned presidential candidate) believes that we once more should be worried about the Russian bear. I say WTF?  Really is that his plan to pull in some Gen X-Y-Z votes by scaring them with the Russians, maybe toss out a little Red Dawn (original version) action?
It just wont work. I could be a huge service to the RNC by informing them that X-Y-Z's fear of  baby-boomer mismanagement and selfishness far outweigh any Red Menace.  I guess when its so easy to scare their parents with the Obama Boogie Man and his insidious ObamaCare that it could work elsewhere. Sadly even the magic word "socialist" doesn't  cause X-Y-Z to piss its pants either so whats a fear-mongering cabal of greedy old men to do?

Its simple........they will lose the race and by the time another presidential election comes along they will have lost a huge block of their support due to the attrition of time on a old demographic. Sadly breaking the political parties isn't the silver bullet to fixing the nation. Their masters will still be on the loose and their extreme wealth make them the true threat, many will hide deeper and fight to hinder/control the government in place but hopefully that government will ostracize them. If not then the country slides slowly into anarchy and  matters are taken into more revolutionary hands.

Is this the future?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

So.....are you really that happy to be an American? If the Glorious Union was no more and we were a collection of states (sort of like Europe but with a common language) would that be so bad? The growing divide between the left & right (or haves & have-not-enough) is growing to a point where I see no mending of fences. Hell, if 9-11 didn't do it can anything really fix us? Do we even like each other enough to care?
The more I look at history the more clear it is that our forefathers would be aghast at the uncaring monstrosity that is the federal government, and how that all powerful creature has enslaved their noble states. I know a lot of the left cling to the Federals because they feel that local governments would be less prone to care about minority interest. The Southern states  historically have a low tolerance to those that are different but generational changes are (I believe) changing long held prejudice, we communicate in ways our grandparents couldn't image and assimilate news at lightning speed...we are different. We can control small government....really. Without the "hugeness" of the Federals we could give ever government creature a face and hold them/it accountable. Athens would have nothing on us ;)
The idea is that maybe if we were smaller we would think that maybe we actually counted again. That our vote...our voice, would/could be heard and make a difference. Would my fellow Louisvillians let the buffoonery of our Metro Council (I'm looking at you Barbara Shanklin) carry on year after year if they weren't so worn down? Much less the shameful pack of thieves that govern the fair Bluegrass from Frankfort.
Im tired and I want a CHANGE....not President Obamas change but something real and new that the Powers That Be would never stand for. I want something you have to fight for.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

City on the river...

Its certainly not Northern but still not Southern enough to make it popular out in the counties. What Louisville has become is a cookie-cutter image of Americana worthy of the most average TV sitcom, albeit a little Southern grace and style but still text-book fly-over state. For those reasons and a couple more that Ill add in as I go...........Louisville is America. For someone paying close attention its a petri dish for the nation. A nation that could use careful watching and a cure for what ails it. Maybe.. if luck favors, some of the answers are right here.